Our network of companies offers a wide coverage of services:
Specialists in transport of specific projects
This kind of transport applies for exclusive projects of equipments highly heavy, over sized, we achieving offer rental boats to transport large volumes of cargo.
Vehicles transporting and Industrial Machinery
We offer shipping of cars, motorcycles , boats , excavators among other equipment and industrial machinery. We do all the paperwork required by the office of the United States for sending their respective vehicles and delivery to the final destination
National Collected
We specialize in collecting package or industrial equipment throughout the territory of the United States. We are affiliated with the national network of the country’s largest load.
Specialists in changes and international household goods
Moving collection takes place directly at the customer’s residence , our company undertakes the packaging of all articles of the house with a high level of quality and service excellence . Transported either air or sea to the country of destination and delivery airport to airport or door to door.
Unaccompanied baggage
» Unaccompanied baggage » is baggage leaving the country by freight company before or after the arrival of the traveler. This service includes household goods , sporting goods , art, own articles of their profession or trade . Some specifications customs and airlines apply.
Cargo handling and transportation inbond
We bring your cargo from other countries ( Europe , Asia , Africa , Australia ) and brought to their final destination in a third country , causing traffic in the United States of America; without paying taxes on American soil.
Packaging service
We pack your goods professionally and safely; We use cardboard, wood and other materials , according to customer requirements and type of item to pack.